Hanging up my Heels
Hanging up my heels 👠Yes, I never thought I would set my heels aside to live in work boots 🥾 In my previous life I was a Real Estate Broker. I love...
Lire la suiteOut looking for a property Teresa and Scott never planned to buy a vineyard. But the entrepreneurial couple knows a good opportunity when they see...
Lire la suiteThe following is an article with a close-up focus on the wine-making happening at Vankleek Hill Vineyard. It was written by Leah Beauchamp. Leah l...
Lire la suiteNouveaux vins, plus de vignes; Les nouveaux propriétaires de Vankleek Hill Vineyards font grandir leur rêvem Leur enthousiasme est contagieux. Il ...
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